March 10, 2014-Visitors


We love having visitors to the farm. Not that we have a lot of free maybe we love the idea of visitors to the farm. But when it works out, it is so much fun. Lauren's (our new co-manager) parents dropped in for their first visit. Actually, they drove up and over from Arkansas, so it was a good haul for them to come, and we were so happy to meet them. What fine southern folks they are, with a twist of Philippines in there too. It was great timing since we just opened the Freedom Farmers' Market the weekend they came, so they were able to help us greet all the new (and old) customers. By the time they arrived, however, we had sold out. Maybe that is a very good omen? Anyway, we are thrilled to have Lauren on board, and really happy to have met her parents. Lauren's mom is a natural with kids, too! And it didn't take her dad long to find the cool, local guitar shop.


Lauren and Parents 2014

In the early tomato house